This day ... on the other side of the world ... a wee girl was born to my sister ... her name is Mary ... named after my mum ... today was a very good day.

On this side of the world, her Aunty was not only overjoyed by the news of her arrival ... but she was also blessed with some lovely moments with lovely people. First let me tell you about
eco annie. I went to her shop today and met her and her lovely sales assistant. The store was filled with the most amazing yarns. The one above is one that eco annie produces from London's unwanted clothing. The one below is one that
pakucho produce. Its spun from naturally coloured cotton.

Its so soft and such a beautiful colour. When you read this
dyeing for a change report you realise the cost of coloured textiles to our environment. I got a bit of a shock really. And for someone who is constantly dyeing, printing and painting textiles ... I'm embarrassed by my ignorance. So its fabulous see people are working towards a change.

But one of my favourite moments of the day was when Andy at
London Screen Services made a HUGE effort to deliver my new silkscreens for me, so that I could print with them tomorrow. I was completely blown away.